Keynote Speakers:
H.E. Pit Chamnan is currently Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. before that Mr. Pit Chamnan was Rector of the Royal University of Cambodia.
Mr. Stephen Paterson is currently an advisor and senior lecturer at the National University of Management in Phnom Penh and Vice President of International Affairs at the University of Puthisastra.
He also coordinates the annual McKinsey Mekong Business Plan Challenge in partnership with the international consulting firm McKinsey & Company. He has worked as a consultant and trainer to establish entrepreneurship education programs at universities in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Mr. Lauri Lahi is currently President of AIESEC in Cambodia where he is working on several projects that are developing new generation of young Cambodian leaders and is also representing association at all international events. Mr. Lahi was leading AIESEC in Estonia before that and was managing several projects and events in Estonia and other countries as well as attended and lectured at several international conferences all around the world. Mr. Lahi is also passionate young entrepreneur.
Mr. Chheang Vannarith is Executive Director of Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP). CICP was found in 1994 with the objective to develop Cambodia through regional integration and global cooperation. After fifteen years of its existence, CICP has assisted Cambodia in so many ways particularly in helping Cambodia to adapt to and integrate herself into ASEAN and other regional and global institutions and groupings.
Mr. Askhat Azhikhanov : Deputy Chief Executive Officer of ABA Bank.
Mr. Chea Samnang:
Mr. Rami Sharaf : Country Manager of RMA Group Cambodia.
Mr. Yuth DaraChanny
Mr. PuthyVuth : Vice Chairman of University of Puthisastra.